Outventure: Article – Greek team

A moment from the Youth Project, June 2022. OUTVENTURE A life-long experience about embracing our queer identities and taking care of ourselves mainly through active meditation. The project took place in Hopeland; an amazing place that inspires you to make a deep...

YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp Article – Italian Team

A moment from the Youth Project, September 2021. BETWEEN EMOTIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES By Tin Li Oca, Erica Ruggieri, J. Dah Mer, Rebecca Bellucci, Martina Sosto The LGBTQ + community has always been characterized by the need to build networks that cross national...

YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp Article – Latvian Team

A moment from the Youth Project, September 2021. YOUth IN ACTivism – the Camp. Latvian team experience. Project Youth in Activism took part in Ommen, The Netherlands from the 25th of August until the 5th of September 2021. And we’re all grateful to the ‘’Active...

YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp Article – Portuguese Team

A moment during the youth project, September 2021. At the end of August, we had the opportunity to go on a youth exchange about LGBT+ Activism in Ommen, The Netherlands. We were a team of five Portuguese – Afonso, Beatriz, Cláudia, Ema, and Miguel and we joined...

YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp Article – Slovene Team

The Slovene Team during the project, August 2021. YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp was an amazing, fulfilling, and exceptional LGBT+ Erasmus+ project that brought together 35 youngsters from Italy, Portugal, the Netherlands, Bulgaria, Latvia,...

YOUth in ACTivism: The Camp Article – Greek Team

Members of the Greek team during the project, August 2021.  How did all this love fit in twelve days?  Sometimes time freezes. It freezes in moments, in people, in places. Especially when the memories are colorful and tender, overflowing with love and smiles. It was...