Strengthening the LGBTQIA+ community in Latvia
Inspire ACTiON is a Solidarity Project that was organised between January 2021 – January – 2022 by members and volunteers of our organization.
The idea of the project was to bring together young LGBT+ and allies people, to strengthen the building of the LGBTQIA+ community in Latvia through peer learning and active participation.
The project through a series of activities (7 monthly camps, follow-up event and Online Youth Forum) offered a platform- a safe and brave space – for the youth to explore different topics related to the LGBTQIA+ community, such as mental & physical health, pride, gender, sexuality, coming out, trans/non-binary visibility, queer relationships, LGBTQIA+ history and culture of Riga, and more.
During the Online Youth Forum, the two panels about trans/non-binary visibility and queer relationships in Latvia were recorded and are available to watch.
Follow the link to Resources to find the videos.
A podcast episode within the Generation ACT series has been recorded by part of the team, reflecting about the project, their experience, its impact, and the next steps.
Follow the link to Resources to find and listen.
The project Inspire ACTiON was funded with the support of the European Commission’s European Solidarity Corps program, which is administered in Latvia by the Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra.
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