Out in the Open was a 3-phases Training program for youth workers focused on improving the social inclusion and active participation of LGBT+ youth in society, by improving the competencies of youth workers in outdoor education. 

Read below, what the Greek team of participants is sharing about their experience during the 1st phase of the program and its Training Course, which brought together 21 youth workers, youth leaders, educators, mentors, and NGO staff from 7 European countries.

This September 2019, we had the chance to attend the training course “Out in the Open” that took lace in Rites, Latvia organized by the organisation “Piedzivojuma Gars” and the “Active Rainbow” Educational Platform.

During this week, we worked a lot on the topic of LGBTQIA+ spectrum and the outdoor activities, finding ways to connect them and use them in youth work.
It all started with a hiking to Rites when 15 youth workers met and cooperated, having a lot of creative challenges in between, in order to reach the place. This experience was a lot more than walking, as we got to know each other better, understand our weaknesses and strong points, give support to each other and the most important have fun while experimenting with the nature around us.

The next days were full of magical moments in this beautiful hourse and forest in Rites where we focused on the topic of LGBTQIA+ by sharing methods, techniques, and personal stories. At the same tim we learned how to cooperate and overcome the challenges in an inclusive way through non formal education and lastly be able to plan and implement activities with youngsters.

The most important outcomes were the feeling of being accepted and the belief that we can do everything if we are together!

The project has 3 phases and this training course was the 1st one. After that we have the opportunity to create a follow-up with our national teams in our country and the 3rd phase will take part in December in Riga, Latvia, where we will have a bigger evaluation of the project, discuss about the 2nd phase and create an even more sustainable impact!

Authors | Dimitra Moumou, Lefkothea Rizopoulou, October 2019.
Photography | Elina Primaka

The project was funded by the Erasmus+ programme, through the National Agency of Latvia, Jaunatnes starptautisko programmu aģentūra.