Active Rainbow was a long-term project with a mission to promote social inclusion and combat discrimination of young LGBTQIA+ people in society.
The youth project consisted of 3 main activities: APV (Advanced Planning Visit), Youth Exchange and a Follow-Up Period with local actions in each partner country.
It brought together 40 young people from Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, and Spain to explore their identity and the topic of LGBT+ Spectrum.
During the 10 days event, participants worked on their personal growth and became acquainted with peer learning, by creating and organizing their own activities connected to the topic.
After the YE, they continued building stronger communities by organizing workshops in their local communities with the support of the partner organizations.

The project was organized in 2016 together with Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, the Netherlands. It was funded by Erasmus+ programme and the Erasmusplus Jeugd.
Partners: Bulgarian Youth Association (Bulgaria), Associazione Vagamondo (Italy), Hellenic Youth Participation (Greece),
Lithuanian Gay League (Lithuania), Association ACCEPT (Romania), Association of LGBT and their friends Mozaika (Latvia), Ticket2Europe (Spain).
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