InterACTive Colors Meeting was a 4 days event, which brought together 18 young people, youth workers and activists, to strengthen the quality of youth work and international projects about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum.
The Meeting was an activity, part of the long-term InterACTive Colors project, which main aims were:
- to measure the collective results from a trilogy of Youth Projects addressing social inclusion and LGBTQIA+ Spectrum
- to recognize the contribution and role that non-formal education and Erasmus+ play in shaping healthy and inclusive societies, while empowering youth and promoting Human Rights for all.
The Meeting took place in July 2017, at Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, the Netherlands. Trilogy of Projects: Active Rainbow – Share Your Colors – InterACTive Colors.
Participants coming from: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Romania and Spain.
The project was financed by the Dutch National Agency of Erasmus+ programme, called Erasmusplus Jeugd.

Promoting non-formal Education through Media
During the Meeting participants reflected about the contribution of non-formal education and Erasmus+ for promoting social inclusion, equity and the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum.
Within teams they produced videos for raising awareness on that matter. By sharing personal stories and experiences from previous projects and practicing their media skills.
Follow the link to Resources to find the videos.
Be the ChangeMaker Photo Reportage
The “Be the ChangeMaker Photo Reportage” is one of the main educational tools developed through the Meeting.
Inside this publication you have the chance to:
- Meet the Changemaker
- Get behind the scenes and learn all about the Meeting, through an interactive photographic documentation
- Be inspired from participants perspectivesnabout the importance of Inclusive Education and being active citizens
- Visit the wall that is an “InterACTive Map of Results” from all 3 projects
- Read and be part of the Manifesto about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum
Follow the link to Resources to find publication.
The project was organised through and together with Olde Vechte Foundation and it was funded by Erasmus+ programme and the Erasmusplus Jeugd.
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