The project aimed to combat hate-speech and social exclusion of young LGBTQIA+ people, while promoting active citizenship through campaigning.

Share Your Colors consisted of 3 main activities: APV meeting, Youth Exchange and a Follow-up Period with local actions in each partner country.

During the 10 program days, participants were able to expand their knowledge about the LGBT+ spectrum and exchange about the different reality they experience in their countries. They experimented with visual media (photograph and video) and social media tools, by making their own campaigns.

40 young people from Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Spain, shared their colors, literally and metaphorically, while having all types of fun! 


During the duration of the project, participants created several commercials and video campaigns, to raise awareness on topics such as equality, diversity, gentreefication and more.

Follow the link to Resources to find the videos. 

“Share Your Colors” toolkit is another result created by participants about social media, multimedia and campaigning for raising awareness in the LGBTQIA+ context.

Follow the link to Resources to find publication. 


The Advanced Planning Visit, took place in May 2016, where the team leaders from each partner organization met to prepare the framework and program for the Youth Exchange.

They got to exchange about the current reality of the LGBT+ human rights in their countries, good practices of campaigning and bonded greatly by co-creating from scratch their own campaigns. 


The Youth Exchange took place in July 2016, where participants
and team leaders met to act, create and share their own message
with the world.

Through an experiential learning approach filled with media assignments, bodywork, discussions, games and more, they increased their competencies and grew to go back to their homes inspired to take new actions and continue raising awareness. 


The Best experience of my Life

This exchange was definitely one of the best experiences of my life. During these past 10 days, I changed a lot, gained more confidence, especially in expressing my ideas and thoughts. I feel inspired, I think I finally have enough courage to stand up for my beliefs and make a change. Now I have to work on my technological skills.

Gabriel | Lithuania

There are people who care

I am really thankful for having the chance to participate in this wonderful project, a wonderful place, and wonderful people. I had a negative impression on my first project but now my hope in projects is restored.

One of my main problems is communication and expressing myself. I admire how some people can just go in front and say what they want to say, be funny and keep people’s attention.

The general thing that I saw in this project is that there are people who care and want to make a change in the world and are willing to take action. Also, the team leaders really inspire me and through the whole project I was looking up to them. I am happy that I will go back home with much new knowledge and love in my heart.

Ekaterina | Bulgaria

Expanding the knowledge about LGBTQIA+

Here I realized that my knowledge about LGBTQIA+ issues was really limited. I had the opportunity to widen my knowledge about the spectrum.

I met great people, ready to share their personal stories making me involved in them (especially those I spent more time with). I could analyze better the differences between Italy and other countries and open my mind more than it was before. It was my first exchange and I had a great experience.

Claudia | Italy

The project was organized in 2016 together with Olde Vechte Foundation in Ommen, the Netherlands. It was funded by Erasmus+ programme and the Erasmusplus Jeugd.

Partners: Bulgarian Youth Association (Bulgaria), Asociace Dice (Czech Republic), Associazione Vagamondo (Italy), Hellenic Youth Participation (Greece),
Lithuanian Gay League (Lithuania), Association of LGBT and their friends Mozaika (Latvia), Ticket2Europe (Spain).

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