Dynamic skills-based program for young people with a strong interest in the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum and want to create a lasting social change.
YOUth in ACTivism consisted of 3 main activities: APV meeting, Youth Exchange, and a Follow-up Period with local actions in each partner country.
The idea behind this project was to create a safe space for young people to explore and exchange through non-formal and informal learning about the LGBTQIA+ rights, the different types of activism, and apply using media tools for raising awareness and increasing active participation among the youth.
40 young people from the Czech Republic, Italy, Greece, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Slovenia, and Spain, shared their colors and activism, literally and metaphorically, while having all types of fun!
Tutorial Videos
In their small teams, the group seized the opportunity to work on different topics about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum and activism in an interactive way – becoming themselves videomakers and producing a series of tutorial videos, transferring their knowledge and experiences.
Follow the link to Resources to find the videos.
Cards Against Heteronormativity
During the project, the team leaders seized the opportunity to challenge themselves and make a game about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum.
Within a day, the card game “Cards against Heteronormativity” was created with original questions and answers, and now is available as well for you to download and play, with included instructions.
Follow the link to Games to find out more.
Youth in Activism Webpage
In order to successfully share all the dissemination materials created during and after the project, it was created a unique webpage where you can find the rest of the information about the project and its activities, the street action documentation, follow up activities, and much more.
Follow the link to the official Youth in Activism webpage
YOUth in ACTivism APV (Advanced Planning Visit) took place in Ommen, the Netherlands between 3rd-4th of July 2018.
16 individuals from the 8 participating countries of the project met together, in order to start preparing themselves and the main event – the Exchange in August.
During the visit, the inspiring Activists:
Got to know each other, bond and network
Experienced different non-formal and informal learning methods – fostering theirs and each other’s learning
Exchanged about the LGBTQIA+ realities of each other’s countries, discovering similarities and differences
Took their first steps in their pathway to exploring activism – definition, types of it and what does it take to be an activist
Put in practice their media skills and produced their first tutorial videos on different topics of their interest, about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum and activism
YOUth in ACTivism Exchange took place in Ommen, the Netherlands between 19th-28th of August 2018.
40 individuals from the 8 participating countries of the project met together, in order to experience 10 days of a dynamic skills-based program and focus on exploring Activism and the LGTBQIA+ Spectrum.
During the program, the inspiring Activists:
Got to connect, network and create an empowering learning environment and safe space
Experienced different non-formal learning methods – fostering theirs and each other’s learning, and competencies
Met with Dutch Local NGO’s and activists, exchanging on the LGBT+ spectrum realities in their countries
Produced tutorial videos on different topics of their interest, about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum and activism
Went on bike trips, discovering the Overijssel province of the Netherlands with its beautiful landscapes and intercultural aspects
Organized and performed Street Actions in the city of Zwolle, raising awareness about the LGBTQIA+ Spectrum.
The project was organized in 2018 together with Olde Vechte Foundation and it was funded by Erasmus+ program and the Erasmusplus Jeugd.
Partners: Asociace Dice (Czech Republic), Associazione Vagamondo (Italy), Solidarity Mission (Greece), Lithuanian Gay League (Lithuania), Association of LGBT and their friends Mozaika (Latvia), Drustvo DIH (Slovenia) and Ticket2Europe (Spain).
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